Today I woke up at about 10:20, not because my alarm had gone off yet but because the girls next door like to blast their music and videos rather loudly. Having promised myself a bit longer to sleep in I tried to ignore the noise and go back to sleep, but to no avail. So by eleven I was dressed and sunscreened. I checked my email and wrestled my hair into a braid, and was at RPCC by noon for a meal with Kevin and Jun. My bean salad was lovely as usual, as was the whole wheat pasta with Alfredo sauce. Those items are becoming my go-to picks for meals at RPCC. After that I had a nice bowl of strawberry and vanilla frozen yogurt with chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, and rainbow sprinkles. It was nice, but in the future I won't mix the strawberry with the vanilla because it just tastes like a bland version of the strawberry.
At lunch Kevin and I worked out a schedule for balancing our workloads for today. I returned to North Balch for about two hours and started rereading the John Locke assignment, which went more slowly that I thought it would. Perhaps I was distracted because I was studying in a new lounge, which had huge windows and a grand piano, as well as an almost deathly silence. North Balch's dorm rooms are mediocre at best, but the common spaces are breathtaking.
At about 2:30 I walked down to Olin Library to meet Kevin and write the rough essay draft due tomorrow. I wrote steadily until a little before six, interrupted only by occasional conversation from members of the class who were also working on their essay and stopped by my chair to chat.
Olin Library |
After I'd manipulated the library printer into obedience and Kevin had wrapped up his work, we marched back up to our dorms to drop our backpacks off before going to dinner. Approaching RPCC I met up with Carla and Katelyn, and inside we found Sue and Kevin. Jun, I believe, was tied up working on a big presentation. I once again ate the whole wheat pasta with Alfredo sauce, but had lentil soup and a bread stick rather than bean salad. The soup was lovely, but the bread stick mostly just salty. Carla announced that she'd found a partially hidden ice cream freezer, so even though I'd already had frozen yogurt I had a little scoop just to try it. I'm so glad I did. The chocolate with cherries ice cream was superb. I'll never eat the cafeteria's soft-serve again.
After dinner I came back to North Balch with a shower, blogging, and some more reading still on my agenda. After this post I only have about twenty pages of Locke to finish, and then I can sleep in preparation for a long day tomorrow.
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