Sunday, July 6, 2014

Oh My Goodness!

I've got great news for you all! As some avid blog followers of mine may recall, I always complain about not being able to sleep in. But there was improvement today. Drumroll please... I was able to wake up at 8:58 a.m. -- the latest I have woken up on this trip. So yes! I was finally able to sleep in. A dream come true.

Today was a day for visiting Ithaca's Farmers Market. I was expecting more produce, but I was indeed happy to see a lot of small businesses selling hand-made crafts. And since I usually don't see small businesses a lot anymore, it was great to see these people showcase their talents. And to support this, I bought a necklace made out of Russian amazonite. 
I personally loved the color
There were so many beautiful flowers.
The steamboat landing nearby the market
Inside Purity Ice Cream
Following the captivating Farmers Market, off we went to Purity Ice Cream. Honestly, I was a bit confused by all the options and flavors. This made the process of buying ice cream way more difficult than it should've been. After tons of pondering, I settled for the "Oh My Goodness" sundae. And need I say it? It was a chocolate cupcake with mint chocolate chip ice cream, fudge topped with whipped cream and cherry. If you're thinking it's a mouthful to say, it was definitely a mouthful to eat as well. The ice cream seriously deserved an "oh my goodness" both positively and negatively. Oh my goodness it was so tasty, but oh my goodness I couldn't handle all the richness. Anyways, the bottom line is that the ice cream sundae was great, but a little too rich for my taste. 
The OMG Sundae
As per tomorrow, a second rough draft of my essay is due so I better keep editing. 

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